Bano Qabil Course Outline: Unlock Your Potential with Expert-Led Courses

WebWizard: Crafting Digital Magic with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Building with HTML, CSS, and Javascript

WebWarp: Unleashing Frontend Brilliance with React

UI/ UX Design and Frontend Development with React.JS

WebWeave: Mastering Backend with Node, Express & MongoDB

Backend Development with NodeJS, ExpressJs, and MongoDB

Sales & Leads Generation

Sales and Leads Generation

Video Editing & Animations

Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects

Multi-platform Jack with Flutter development.

Flutter Environment to Application Development

Dart Dazzle: Igniting Your Flutter Journey with Dart

Unlocking the Power of Dart for Mobile App Development

Graphic Designing Essentials

Mastering Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva

E-Commerce Development

Thriving With Shopify, WordPress and Wix

Digital Marketing & Freelancing

Marketing & Freelancing with Leading Platforms

Cyber Security Fundamentals

SOC Analyst

Content Writing & AI Tools

Mastering Digital Platforms and AI

Essentials Of Computing And Programming with Python

MS Office and Python Programming

Amazon Private Label

Building your own business at Amazon

Amazon FBA Virtual Assistant

Mastering Wholesale & Online Arbitrage

Advance Python

Learning Advance Python with Automation and Django4

Cyber Security-2

Ethical Hacking and Penetration testing

DevOps Foundations

Building Agile Infrastructure

DataCraft Mastering Analytics

Mastering Analytics with Google Sheets, SQL, and Beyond

Affiliated Marketing

Empower Your Earnings with Strategic Affiliate Mastery

Driven SQA Automation

Accelerate Quality Assurance with Cutting-Edge Automation.

Expert-Level Automation

Selenium, Appium, JMeter, and CI/CD Strategies

Creative UI and UX

UI Design and Prototyping with Figma

Mobile Journalism (MOJO)

Capture the Story: Mobile Reporting at Your Fingertips.

GameDev1: Game Development with Blender

Craft Immersive Worlds with Blender

GameDev2: Game Development with Unity

Bring Your Game Ideas to Life with Unity