Graphic Designing Essentials

Mastering Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Haris Alam
Course Description

  • Graphic design is everywhere, from the wrappers on candy bars to the logo on your favorite coffee mug. Graphic design can serve many functions. Just a few of the uses of graphic design may include Visual Identity, Logo Design, Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Printed materials, Packaging design, Brochures, Digital
  • Materials, Social media posts, and etc. Graphic design provides very clear and easy ways to convey information. Graphic design is not just pretty or for pretty’s sake; it's a crucial part of business and life.
  • What you will learn

    Course Outline

    Grading Criteria
    Particulars Marks (%)
    Quizzes 20
    Class Participation/ Attendance 15
    Projects 25
    Final Projects 40
    Total 100